==================== Public User Accounts ==================== Mezzanine provides the ability for public users to create their own accounts for logging into your Mezzanine powered site. Features that can be restricted to logged-in users include the ability to post comments, make purchases (using `Cartridge `_), view restricted pages, and anything else you'd like to implement. You can also define what a user's profile consists of, allowing users to create their own profile page for their account. The accounts functionality is provided by the app ``mezzanine.accounts``. Adding it to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` setting will enable signup, login, account updating, and password retrieval features for the public site. Profiles ======== Profiles are implemented via Django's ``AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE`` setting. With ``mezzanine.accounts`` installed, you can create a profile model in one of your apps, with each of the profile fields defined, as well as a related field to Django's user model. For example suppose we wanted to capture bios and dates of birth for each user:: # In myapp/models.py from django.db import models class MyProfile(models.Model): user = models.OneToOneField("auth.User") date_of_birth = models.DateField() bio = models.TextField() # In settings.py INSTALLED_APPS = ( "myapp", "mezzanine.accounts", # Many more ) AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = "myapp.MyProfile" The bio and date of birth fields will be available in the signup and update profile forms, as well as in the user's public profile page. .. note:: Profile pages are automatically made available when a profile model is configured. For more information consult the `Django docs for profiles `_. Restricting Account Fields ========================== By default, Mezzanine will expose all relevant user and profile fields available in the signup and update profile forms, and the user's profile page. However you may want to store extra fields in user profiles, but not expose these fields to the user. You may also want to have no profile model at all, and strip the signup and update profile forms down to only the minimum required fields on the user model, such as username and password. Mezzanine defines the setting ``ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_FORM_EXCLUDE_FIELDS`` which allows you to define a sequence of field names, for both the user and profile models, that won't be exposed to the user in any way. Suppose we define a ``DateTimeField`` on the profile model called ``signup_date`` which we don't want exposed. We also might not bother asking the user for their first and last name, which are fields defined by Django's user model. In our ``settings.py`` module we would define:: ACCOUNTS_PROFILE_FORM_EXCLUDE_FIELDS = ( "first_name", "last_name", "signup_date", ) If you don't want to expose the ``username`` field to the user, Mezzanine provides the setting ``ACCOUNTS_NO_USERNAME``, which when set to ``True``, will expose the ``email`` field as the sole login for the user. Account Verification ==================== By default, with ``mezzanine.accounts`` installed, any public visitor to the site can sign up for an account and will be logged in after signup. However you may wish to validate that new accounts are only created by real people with real email addresses. To enable this, Mezzanine provides the setting ``ACCOUNTS_VERIFICATION_REQUIRED``, which when set to ``True``, will send new user an email with a verification link that they must click on, in order to activate their account. Account Approval ================ You may also wish to manually activate newly created public accounts. To enable this, Mezzanine provides the setting ``ACCOUNTS_APPROVAL_REQUIRED``, which when set to ``True``, will set newly created accounts as inactive, requiring a staff member to activate each account in the admin interface. A list of email addresses can be configured in the admin settings interface, which will then be notified by email each time a new account is created and requires activation. Users are then sent a notification when their accounts are activated by a staff member.