=================== Admin Customization =================== Mezzanine uses the standard `Django admin interface `_ allowing you to add admin classes as you normally would with a Django project, but also provides the following enhancements to the admin interface that are configurable by the developer. Navigation ========== When first logging into the standard Django admin interface a user is presented with the list of models that they have permission to modify data for. Mezzanine takes this feature and uses it to provide a navigation menu that persists across every section of the admin interface making the list of models always accessible. Using the standard Django admin the grouping and ordering of these models aren't configurable, so Mezzanine provides the setting ``ADMIN_MENU_ORDER`` that can be used to control the grouping and ordering of models when listed in the admin area. This setting is a sequence of pairs where each pair represents a group of models. The first item in each pair is the name to give the group and the second item is the sequence of app/model names to use for the group. The ordering of both the groups and their models is maintained when they are displayed in the admin area. For example, to specify two groups ``Content`` and ``Site`` in your admin with the first group containing models from Mezzanine's ``pages`` and ``blog`` apps, and the second with the remaining models provided by Django, you would define the following in your projects's ``settings`` module:: ADMIN_MENU_ORDER = ( ("Content", ("pages.Page", "blog.BlogPost", "blog.Comment",)), ("Site", ("auth.User", "auth.Group", "sites.Site", "redirects.Redirect")), ) Any admin classes that aren't specifed are included using Django's normal approach of grouping models alphabetically by application name. You can also control this behavior by implementing a ``in_menu`` method on your admin class, which should return ``True`` or ``False``. When implemented, this method controls whether the admin class appears in the menu or not. Here's an advanced example that excludes the ``BlogCategoryAdmin`` class from the menu, unless it is explicitly defined in ``ADMIN_MENU_ORDER``:: class BlogCategoryAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): """ Admin class for blog categories. Hides itself from the admin menu unless explicitly specified. """ fieldsets = ((None, {"fields": ("title",)}),) def in_menu(self): """ Hide from the admin menu unless explicitly set in ``ADMIN_MENU_ORDER``. """ for (name, items) in settings.ADMIN_MENU_ORDER: if "blog.BlogCategory" in items: return True return False Custom Items ============ It is possible to inject custom navigation items into the ``ADMIN_MENU_ORDER`` setting by specifying an item using a two item sequence, the first item containing the title and second containing the named urlpattern that resolves to the url to be used. Continuing on from the previous example, Mezzanine includes a fork of the popular `django-filebrowser `_ application which contains a named urlpattern ``fb_browse`` and is given the title ``Media Library`` to create a custom navigation item:: ADMIN_MENU_ORDER = ( ("Content", ("pages.Page", "blog.BlogPost", "blog.Comment", ("Media Library", "fb_browse"),)), ("Site", ("auth.User", "auth.Group", "sites.Site", "redirects.Redirect")), ) You can also use this two-item sequence approach for regular app/model names if you'd like to give them a custom title. Dashboard ========= When using the standard Django admin interface, the dashboard area shown when a user first logs in provides the list of available models and a list of the user's recent actions. Mezzanine makes this dashboard configurable by the developer by providing a system for specifying Django `Inclusion Tags `_ that will be displayed in the dashboard area. The dashboard area is broken up into three columns, the first being wide and the second and third being narrow. Mezzanine then provides the setting ``DASHBOARD_TAGS`` which is a sequence of three sequences - one for each the three columns. Each sequence contains the names of the inclusion tags in the format ``tag_lib.tag_name`` that will be rendered in each of the columns . The list of models and recent actions normally found in the Django admin are available as inclusion tags via ``mezzanine_tags.app_list`` and ``mezzanine_tags.recent_actions`` respectively. For example, to configure the dashboard with a blog form above the model list in the first column, a list of recent comments in the second column and the recent actions list in the third column, you would define the following in your projects's ``settings`` module:: DASHBOARD_TAGS = ( ("blog_tags.quick_blog", "mezzanine_tags.app_list"), ("comment_tags.recent_comments",), ("mezzanine_tags.recent_actions",), ) Here we can see the ``quick_blog`` inclusion tag provided by the ``mezzanine.blog.templatetags.blog_tags`` module and the ``recent_comments`` inclusion tag provided by the ``mezzanine.generic.templatetags.comment_tags`` module. WYSIWYG Editor ============== By default, Mezzanine uses the `TinyMCE editor `_ to provide rich editing for all model fields of the type ``mezzanine.core.fields.RichTextField``. The setting ``RICHTEXT_WIDGET_CLASS`` contains the import path to the widget class that will be used for editing each of these fields, which therefore provides the ability for implementing your own editor widget which could be a modified version of TinyMCE, a different editor or even no editor at all. .. note:: If you'd only like to customize the TinyMCE options specified in its JavaScript setup, you can do so via the ``TINYMCE_SETUP_JS`` setting which lets you specify the URL to your own TinyMCE setup JavaScript file. The default value for the ``RICHTEXT_WIDGET_CLASS`` setting is the string ``"mezzanine.core.forms.TinyMceWidget"``. The ``TinyMceWidget`` class referenced here provides the necessary media files and HTML for implementing the TinyMCE editor, and serves as a good reference point for implementing your own widget class which would then be specified via the ``RICHTEXT_WIDGET_CLASS`` setting. In addition to ``RICHTEXT_WIDGET_CLASS`` you may need to customize the way your content is rendered at the template level. Post processing of the content can be achieved through the ``RICHTEXT_FILTERS`` setting, which is a sequence of string, each one containing the dotted path to a Python function, that will be used as a processing pipeline for the content. Think of them like Django's middleware or context processors. Say, for example, you had a ``RICHTEXT_WIDGET_CLASS`` that allowed you to write your content in a popular wiki syntax such as markdown. You'd need a way to convert that wiki syntax into HTML right before the content was rendered:: # ... in myproj.filter from markdown import markdown def markdown_filter(content): """ Converts markdown formatted content to html """ return markdown(content) # ... in myproj.settings RICHTEXT_FILTERS = ( "myproj.filter.markdown_filter", ) With the above, you'd now see the converted HTML content rendered to the template, rather than the raw markdown formatting. Media Library Integration ========================= Mezzanine's Media Library (based on django-filebrowser) provides a `jQuery UI `_ `dialog `_ that can be used by custom widgets to allow users to select previously uploaded files. When using a custom widget for the WYSIWYG editor via the ``RICHTEXT_WIDGET_CLASS`` setting, you can show the Media Library dialog from your custom widget, by doing the following: 1. Load the following media resources in your widget, perhaps using a `Django Media inner class `_: :css: ``filebrowser/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min.css`` :js: | ``mezzanine/js/%s' % settings.JQUERY_FILENAME`` | ``filebrowser/js/jquery-ui-1.9.1.custom.min.js`` | ``filebrowser/js/filebrowser-popup.js`` 2. Call the JavaScript function ``browseMediaLibrary`` to show the dialog. The function is defined in ``filebrowser/js/filebrowser-popup.js``, and takes the following two arguments: :Callback function: The function that will be called after the dialog is closed. The function will be called with a single argument, which will be: - null: if no selection was made (e.g. dialog is closed by hitting `ESC`), or - the path of the selected file. :Type (optional): Type of files that are selectable in the dialog. Defaults to image.